Un children and armed conflict 2016 report
Un children and armed conflict 2016 report

un children and armed conflict 2016 report

You must look at leadership that puts peace and children in the middle, and I don’t see that happening almost anywhere.” But you need to have authorities that transcend politics. “If you halve the violations and you double the releases and the reintegration on the peace dividend, it will come a time when it’s a flatline and it will have stopped. SOUNDBITE (English) Virginia Gamba, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and Under-Secretary-General: There has to be a peaceful solution to this situation.”ġ0. Because I don’t think the Israeli children, the Palestinian children, will go quietly into the night. And I think that at some point, what has to prime is dialogue and the protection of children.

un children and armed conflict 2016 report

“The Israeli and the Palestinian children, they don’t deserve this.

un children and armed conflict 2016 report

“It is tragic to know that the report is being published at a time of extreme suffering for children given the many setbacks on democratic processes in some countries on the CAC agenda at the beginning of this year and the rise in violence between parties to conflict, all of which, I fear, will undo much of the progress on this docket that have been laboriously pursued in many conflict affected countries in the past years.”Ĩ. SOUNDBITE (English) Virginia Gamba, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and We need to give children an alternative to violence and abuse.”Ħ. “Children can no longer be the last priority of the international agenda nor the least protected group of individuals in the planet. Wide shot, exterior, United Nations HeadquartersĤ. DATELINE: 21 JUNE 2021, NEW YORK CITY / FILEġ.

Un children and armed conflict 2016 report